Danae Diaz
Danae Diaz
“Get to the heart of the matter”
“Get to the heart of the matter” published in the Observer on 13/02/22 for a piece on love and therapy and how to stay together. ‘Get to the heart of the matter’ has been also Longlisted for the World Illustration Awards 2023 in the Editorial category.
Danae Diaz
Schistosomiasis for The Lancet
I was invited, among other five artist, to participate in the competition for the 2022 cover artist of the prestigious scientific journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, a leading journal in the publication of research in infectious diseases. The topic to be illustrated was schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease caused by worms that can infect the urinary tract and the intestine. Despite being one of the three finalist I did not make it to the end, but I am so grateful to have been invited to participate. Congrats to the winner and thanks to Marco De Ambrogi for giving me the opportunity to take part in this. After participating in the World Illustration Awards 2022 with this entry, it was longlisted in the Science & Technology category.
Danae Diaz
Wie Worte Helfen
Illustration for an interesting article for Stern Gesund Leben (5/2021) about how doctors communicate with their patients and the feelings involved. Thanks to Christine Simon and Kombinatrotweiss for this wonderful commission. “Wie Worte helfen – Ruppig, desinteressiert, belehrend -gestresste Ärzte kommunizieren oft schlecht mit Patienten und Angehörigen. Dabei hat ein einfühlsamer Umgang auf Augenhöhe therapeutischen Wert, erklärt Jutta von Campenhausen.“
Danae Diaz
Die Schweiz in Zahlen - Das neue Wohnen
Illustration and infographic for the CRED magazine Values 1/21 on how the Swiss live today and it’s numbers. Many thanks to Peter Unterthuner for the assignment.
Danae Diaz
Rolle Rückwärts?
Series of illustrations for Deutsche Telekom’s magazine “You & me” Issue 04/2021 for an article entitled “Rolle Rückwärst” (back roll) and how productivity was affected by the decision of Telekom and other companies to bring workers back to the offices end of last year.
Danae Diaz
Toxicity of Instagram
Illustration for Berliner Zeitung (19/07/21) for an article about the toxicity of Instagram and why the New Yorker Haley Nahman hardly uses the app anymore despite her countless followers.
Danae Diaz
Public Poster Gallery
I was invited to participate in this project by Bewegung für Radikale Emphatie 30 artists and designers are invited to create a series of posters and thus a public poster gallery which will be spread across Stuttgart and the region from the middle of may 2020. This Posters should give courage, celebrate solidarity , show attitude, see the crisis as an opportunity, give confidence and be fun. Im April 2020 haben wir, inmitten des Corona-Lockdowns, rund 30 Gestalter*innen eingeladen, gemeinsam eine Plakatserie zu gestalten und zusammen eine Public-Poster-Gallery zu gründen, die sich ab Mitte Mai über Klebeflächen von Stuttgart und der Region ausbreiten wird. In diesen turbulenten Zeiten sollen unsre Plakate Mut machen, unsere Solidarität feiern, Haltung zeigen, die Krise als Chance sehen, Zuversicht geben und Spaß machen ! Eine Initiative der Bewegung für Radikale Empathie
Danae Diaz
Public Poster Gallery Reloaded
This is my contribution to PUBLIC POSTER GALLERY RELOADED, the second round of the Public Poster Gallery organized by Bewegung für Radikale Empathie This new series of posters which will be showcased in 10 cities in Baden-Württemberg should spread a positive message, empathy, celebrate solidarity, give courage and see the crisis as an opportunity. PUBLIC POSTER GALLERY RELOADED – unsere Plakataktion geht in die zweite Runde! Ab Ende Oktober gehen 38 neue Motive von ebenso vielen Gestalter*innen auf Reisen und werden bis Mai 2021 in 10 Städten von Baden-Württemberg zu bestaunen sein. The art library of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin has added this poster to its graphic collection.
Danae Diaz
...Stay Interviews
Illustration for my Weekly collaboration with Courier Media. „Everything you need to know about… Stay interviews“.
Danae Diaz
Writing job descriptions
Illustration for “Everything you need to know about… Writing job descriptions“. From my weekly collaboration with @couriermedia Workshop.
Danae Diaz
Writing Job Descriptions
Illustration for “Everything you need to know about… Writing job descriptions“. From my weekly collaboration with @couriermedia Workshop.
Danae Diaz
Finding a Stockist
Illustration for a weekly collaboration with @couriermedia Workshop. “Everything you need to know about… finding a stockist“
Danae Diaz
Finding a Stockist
Illustration for my weekly collaboration with @couriermedia Workshop. “Everything you need to know about… finding a stockist“
Danae Diaz
Upskilling Employees – Courier
Illustrations for a weekly collaboration with @couriermedia Workshop. “Everything you need to know about… Upskilling Employees“.
Danae Diaz
Hiring Freelancers
Illustration for my weekly collaboration with @couriermedia Workshop. These are about “Hiring freelancers.
Danae Diaz
Customer Feedback Loops
Illustration for „Everything you need to know about… customer feedback loops“. For my weekly collaboration with @couriermedia Workshop.
Danae Diaz
Customer Personas
Illustration for my weekly collaboration with Courier Workshop. “Everything you need to know about… Customer personas” ………….”Though you might think you have a pretty good idea of who your customers are, getting granular with the details and creating fictionalized customer personas can be super useful.”
Danae Diaz
One of the crowd
“One of the crowd- How can we learn to be among strangers again?” Illustration for The Guardian Review cover of Saturday 10 July.
Danae Diaz
Business Plan
Illustrations for Courier Workshop “Everything you need to know about… Your business plan”. This is part of a weekly collaboration with Courier Media that went for three months in 2022.
Danae Diaz
On the rise of dark stores
Illustration for Courier Magazine on how a wine and small plates bistro has discovered a whole new scalable business model. This piece has been longlisted for the World Illustration Awards 2021!
Danae Diaz
How to reduce our digital carbon footprint.
Danae Diaz
Eco tips for a more sustainable life – Water
This one about how to reduce our water footprint on the bathroom.
Danae Diaz
Eco tips for a more sustainable life – Heating
How to reduce energy consumption with heating.
Danae Diaz
Deep Impact - DHL Delivered
Illustration for DHL Delivered issue 2/19 titled “DEEP IMPACT – Can we all become more productive at work by training ourselves to deal with distractions?”
Danae Diaz
Driving me crazy
Driving me crazy – Berlin’s embattled streets. Illustration for Monocle the Escapist summer issue 2018, about Berlin traffic chaos.
Danae Diaz ist eine in Spanien geborene Illustratorin und Animationskünstlerin, die derzeit in Stuttgart, Deutschland, lebt. Danae hat mit zahlreichen Animationsstudios, Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, Werbeagenturen, Verlagen und Lifestyle-, Design- und Modemarken zusammengearbeitet. Ihre Animationsarbeiten wurden unter anderem auf dem Illustrative Festival, Pictoplasma und der Galerie Nucleus sowie auf Film- und Animationsfestivals weltweit gezeigt. Ihre figurative Arbeit bewegt sich zwischen Animation und Illustration, kombiniert Linie und Farbe, spielt mit der Perspektive und ist manchmal auf subtile Weise surreal. Sie ist immer auf der Suche nach neuen Kollaborationen und Herausforderungen.
Weitere Profile
- PUBLIC POSTER GALLERY – RELOADED, Stadtraum Stuttgart & Region
- Public Poster Gallery, Stadtraum Stuttgart & Region
- Illustrative Festival Berlin
- Pictoplasma Festival Berlin
- "Grafuck 4" Group Exhibition at Gallery Nucleus. Alhambra, CA
- World Illustration Award longlisted Artist
- World Illustration Award longlisted Artist
- 3×3 Illustration Show No.18 Honorable Mention
- World Illustration Award Longlisted Artist
- 3×3 Professional show and Picture show, Merit
- Young Illustrators Award, Berlin, Nominee
- 3×3 Professional Show, Silver prize and Special Mention
- Spanisch
- Deutsch
- Englisch