Laura Feller
Laura Feller
Treasure Hunt
Citymap for Children Tour, Discover Graz, 2020 Website and Flyer
Laura Feller
Skater Girl GIF
GIF for Social Media Created from original artwork Private Project Find it on Instagram! GIF Search: ‘alwaysonthemove’
Laura Feller
Travel Sketch I
Sketch from a visit to Sumner in Christchurch, NZ 2020 Ink pen and watercolour, 15 x 40 cm sketchbook
Laura Feller
Travel Sketch II
Sketch from my stay in Taranaki, NZ 2020 Ink pen and watercolour, 15 x 40 cm sketchbook
Laura Feller
Character Study
Other artists at Art Street Fair in Auckland 2020 Watercolour and ink pen
Laura Feller
Where is the surf?
Commission artwork Ink and Watercolour, 29,7 x 42 2021
Laura Feller
Laura Feller meets tag.werk
Limited Edition Bag design + Mural drawing 2019, Graz
Laura Feller
Architects for a better future
Illustration from my master’s thesis ‘A different spin on insulation – ‘llustrated ideas on sustainable retrofitting in New Zealand’ Water colour and ink on paper, 29,7 x 42 cm 2020
Laura Feller
Illustration für Weinetikett
Illustration for a wine label Watercolour on paper, 2022
Laura Feller
Fensterillustration House Wine Bar
Illustration für das Schaufenster einer Weinbar mit Lettering für die Öffnungszeiten.
Laura Feller an architect-turned-illustrator, draws inspiration from diverse cultures and landscapes while living between Austria and New Zealand. Her nomadic lifestyle infuses dynamism into her work, which fluctuates between black and white line drawings and free-flowing watercolors. Embodying a harmonious blend of precision and fluidity, her art captures the vibrant spirit of her surroundings.
Laura was born into a creative family and grew up on a small organic farm in Austria. Thus a strong sense for nature and the beauty of our planet accompany her journey. She discovered her passion for surfing in 2016 and it has shaped her life and creative work since then.
Her work ranges from book illustrations, murals and window paintings to water colour originals and digital line drawings and animations.
Weitere Profile
- A Sketchbook in my pocket Bali, Indonesia Solo-Exhibition
- Sketchbook Vol. 2 – Travel edition Graz, Austria Solo-Exhibition
- Architektur und Meer Aeijst Destillerie, St. Nikolai i. S. Solo-Exhibition
- Gruppenausstellung Taha Hinengaro – Mental Health Matters New Plymouth, Neuseeland
- Gruppenausstellung We ❤︎ Illustration Graz, Österreich
- Original "Castle Point", Special Recognition in the 10th SeaScapes Art Exhibition
- Mural "Parisian Flowercart", Longlisted, World Illustration Awards, 2021
- Mural "Parisian Flowercart", Best Mural Design not yet painted, Resene Mural Masterpiece Award, 3rd place, New Zealand
- Mural "Parisian Flowercart" war für den World Illustration Award nominiert, Kategorie: Site-specific (Longlist)
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