YinXin He

YinXin He
Book Illustration Projekt: Sotahoven by Arto Paasilinna

YinXin He
Der Steppenwolf - Hermann Hesse
Mehr Arbeiten vom Projekt ist auf meiner Webseite zu sehen: https://www.yinxinhe.de/der-steppenwolf

YinXin He
Der Steppenwolf - Hermann Hesse
Mehr Arbeiten vom Projekt ist auf meiner Webseite zu sehen: https://www.yinxinhe.de/der-steppenwolf

YinXin He
Der Steppenwolf - Hermann Hesse
Mehr Arbeiten vom Projekt ist auf meiner Webseite zu sehen: https://www.yinxinhe.de/der-steppenwolf

YinXin He
Der Steppenwolf - Hermann Hesse
Mehr Arbeiten vom Projekt ist auf meiner Webseite zu sehen: https://www.yinxinhe.de/der-steppenwolf

YinXin He
The twins of Auschwitz

YinXin He
Conrad Veidt

YinXin He
SPIEL - The game of knowledge

YinXin He
Character study - Hans Landa

YinXin He
“It happened during the period of gray days that followed the splendid colourfulness of my father’s heroic era. These were long weeks of depression, heavy weeks without Sundays or holidays, under closed skies in an impoverished landscape. Father was then no more with us.”

YinXin He
Tailor's dummies
“Putting on his glasses, he stepped quickly up to the girls and walked twice around them, letting fall on them the light of the lamp he was carrying. The draft from the open door lifted the curtains, the girls let themselves be admired… The accidental encounter was the beginning of a whole series of meetings, in the course of which my father succeeded in charming both of the young ladies with the magnetism of his strange personality.”

YinXin He
The night of the great season - Bruno Schulz
“My father rose on his perch and, in a sudden glare of light, stretched out his hands, summoning the birds with an old incantation. He recognized them with deep emotion. They were the distant, forgotten progeny of that generation of birds which at one time Adela had chased away to all four points of the sky. That brood of freaks, that malformed, wasted tribe of birds, was now returning degenerated or overgrown. Nonsensically large, stupidly developed, the birds were empty and lifeless inside.”

YinXin He
Cinnamon Shops - Bruno Schulz
“I stepped into a winter night bright from the illumination of the sky. … It is exceedingly thoughtless to send a young boy out on an urgent and important errand into a night like that… There open up, deep inside a city, reflected streets, streets which are doubles, make-believe streets. One’s imagination, bewitched and misled, creates illusory maps of the apparently familiar districts, … I was walking faster now, rather disturbed, beginning to give up the idea of visiting the cinnamon shops. All I wanted now was to get out of there quickly into some part of the city I knew better.”

YinXin He
Buchcover Illustration
Cover Design für das Buch: Krokodil-Straße und andere Geschichten von Bruno Schulz
ich bin Han und präsentiere meine Illustrationen unter dem Namen YinXin He. Ich bewege mich hauptsächlich im Bereich von Editorial Illustration und Buchillustration.
Am liebsten gestalte ich mit symbolischen Objekten, sie sind wie Mehrzweckspielzeuge. Man kann sich endlos mit ihnen beschäftigen, da sich ihre Bedeutung von Mensch zu Mensch von Zeit zu Zeit ändert.
- Englisch
- Deutsch